How do you replicate God's love? First you must experience it for yourself before you are able to pass it along to others. WATCH HERE and learn more. Hopefully in these last six weeks you, by God's grace, have had opportunity for genuine encounters with the One who loves you most by reading Born to Soar and taking time to meet with Him daily. Everyone is looking for more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control and if you have experienced this... share your story. It's really quite simple. Ask yourself the three questions below, write down your answer and be prepared to let others know about the transformation you have experienced. If you tell your story in your own words, sharing from your heart, people will be edified to hear it. You don't need to be a "salesman of God" just be a "satisfied customer"… or as Pope Francis said, we can "propose" the Gospel, we don't need to "impose" it. God is love, so tell of His transforming love for you and the difference it has made.
Answer these:
1. What was my life like BEFORE I had a personal encounter with God?
2. What, when, where, and how did I (or do I) experience actually getting to know Him?
3. How has my life changed because of it? (More peace? Less anxiety? More love? Less anger? Quicker to forgive because I know I am greatly forgiven? etc.)
That's it! Be bold! You never know how God will use your story or whose life He will touch through it there by replicating His love again and again and again.
I am praying for you! And remember: no matter where you go, how old or young you may be, or the circumstances in life you have been given… YOU, like the fourth generation migrating monarch butterfly, WERE BORN TO SOAR!
And if this series has touched your life, I would love to hear your story! Please email me HERE! God bless you!