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Jesus makes ALL THINGS NEW! Nothing like a fresh, unmarked calendar page to get your juices many possibilities for 2019! January=PLAN-uary! Here is ONE OPPORTUNITY YOU DO NOT WANT TO PASS UP! Many of you have expressed interest in going on the Holy Land Pilgrimage, NOW is the time to commit! The holidays are (almost) over and now is the time to look forward to the new things in 2019 and sign up for the trip of a lifetime!


  1. To meet Jesus in a whole new way, walk the dusty country paths and the Jerusalem streets where He walked, standing on the very Temple Mount steps where He stood.

  2. To experience the YES of the Blessed Mother firsthand and touch where the Word actually became flesh and dwelt among us.

  3. To immerse yourself in Scripture, prayer, and Sacrament each and every day and have the Word awaken inside of you via our “Living-Lectio” meditations and journal.

  4. To breathe deeply the air that is thick with the Presence of Jesus--ahh PEACE!*

  5. To stand in the Jordan River that Jesus sanctified by stepping into and identifying with our humanity.

  6. To weep in the Garden of Gethsemane at a late night vigil as you embrace the stone where Jesus’ sweat became like drops of blood.

  7. To journey on the Via Dolorosa and help Him to carry His cross to Calvary.

  8. To pray at the foot of the cross on Mt. Calvary (pictured above) and know that all of your sins have been washed away by the powerful blood of Christ.

  9. To smell the sweet oils on the anointing stone where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial.

  10. To joyfully witness, first hand, the empty tomb of our risen Lord!

And not to mention… to experience the modern city of Jerusalem with all of its multicultural delights and to be with an amazing group of women, priests and tour guide professionals who will be journeying alongside you. We will laugh, cry and indulge in a little chocolate and fun in our fabulous accommodations and motor coach. (And for those heading to oh my! You are in for the cherry on top! Glamping under the stars, walking with Moses and the chosen people. It is like nothing you will ever experience anywhere else.)

You will never regret one step you take that leads you closer to God. Take this step in 2019.

God bless you! PLAN to come with me...the BEST IS YET TO BE in 2019!

"'Come, follow me,' Jesus said…" Matthew 4:19

Dear Lord,

I want what You want in 2019. If You want this to happen, please make it so.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

*Want to take an INTERIOR JOURNEY of PEACE? Join us as the Something Greater Blog moves to SUNDAY for the NEXT SIX WEEKS for the Interior Peace Journey--now in progress! A beautiful start for a beautiful New Year and Life. (The blog will resume on Thursdays mid February).


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