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Head in the Clouds

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I have GREAT NEWS for anyone feeling bogged down or discouraged by the circumstances of life, anyone who feels that this earth can be too much to bear. It is an amazingly efficacious teaching. As you read the below--remember YOU are the Church!

St. Augustine writes in Sermon number 137: ”...that our Lord Jesus Christ, who has already suffered and risen again for us, is the head of the Church, and that the Church is his body, and framework of love...Since then he is the head of the Church, and the Church is his body, the whole Christ is both head and body. He has already risen again. So we have our head in heaven. Our head is interceding for us; our head, sinless and deathless, is already placating God for our sins, so that we too, when we rise again at the end, and are changed into heavenly glory, may follow our head. After all, where the head goes, there too go the other parts of the body. But while we are here, we are still parts of it; we must never despair, because we are going to follow our head.”

Yes! Our Head is in the clouds--in the most glorious of ways! Jesus, spotless, sinless, beautiful Jesus, is constantly gazing at and in perpetual communication with the Father of love. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and prays for us--ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! (Romans 8:34) Imagine that! And while we are here, down below, on this soggy, often difficult and at times, excruciatingly painful earth, He too is with us, because while He is the head...He is also the body. We are ONE with Him. And in this truth our HOPE is found.

So just for one moment-- close your eyes and imagine heaven. Picture God, in all of His Majesty, seated on His high and lofty throne, His robes filling the Temple, surrounded by angelic beings eternally singing “Holy! Holy! Holy! Is He...” (Rev. 4) and a magnificent rainbow encircling the throne of God. Christ is seated at His right hand. You enter, approaching the great throne room of heaven with boldness as we are told to do by St. Paul. As you approach, You see Jesus and He turns and looks at you smiling, arms out stretched and says, “AH! There you are! I was waiting for you! I was just talking to Our Father about you and all that is on your heart and the worries that cloud and cramp your mind. Come! Sit with Me awhile and lay your head on My chest and rest with Me. Place your burdens at my feet and just be with Us...We have Our eyes on you, you are safe here with Us. Just rest and be at peace, my beloved.” And just for a bit be still with Him, resting and knowing…”where the head goes, there too go the other parts of the body.

Try this: Stop several times a day and Look Up! May you see with the eyes of faith the Hope that is our Head, Christ Jesus, and may He in that moment fill you up with His very self. He alone is our Hope, our Peace, our Power Source and our Love. (Want more? Click HERE!)

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.” Hebrews 4:14-16.

Dear Lord,

Help! May I have the grace to approach You with great confidence and to find the mercy and timely help I and every day. Thank You for being my Head and allowing me to be Your body. Keep me forever holding tight to this life giving truth. Jesus, I trust in You.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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