As I drove home from a school run on a cold, rather miserable gray day, I saw a most joyous site! A little girl trailing behind her father, pigtails flying, glittery coat slipping over her head as she did cartwheel after cartwheel after cartwheel...all the way up the sidewalk! The father was oblivious to the marvelous display of exuberance that was taking place behind him. What fun she was having making her way up the street, but his face expressed the exact opposite as he trudged up the hill.
Play. For a happy, healthy child that is the natural state of being. They trust in God and their parents to love and take care of them, and all of life is really joyfully simple. They have a skip in every step (or cartwheel).
The Lord has given me three words to live by. One of them is the word simple. Simplicity at its essence means childlike. To be childlike is to be trusting, joyous, curious, and full of wonder at the incredible world all around us-- to see the hills we must climb, not as drudgery, but a chance to do cartwheels upon until we reach the top.
Can you trust God to love and take care of you, so much so, that you are willing to open your hand in child like faith and give to Him whatever you are holding onto other than His hand? Can you humbly and joyfully give to God your burdens, worries, even your plans and hopes for the future, knowing that whatever He does with them will be the best for you? Can you live life simply, with childlike faith?
“At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:1-4
Dear Lord,
Please help me to be trusting of You, dear Father. Give to me the grace to enable me to open my hand and offer all to You with humility and simplicity, believing that You will do with whatever I give to You what You see best for me and for all. Lord, please help me. How I long for the joy that comes with simplicity. How I long for the gift of a child like faith.
I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.