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Whose we are

Guest blogger Rev. Msgr. James D. Watkins will be hosting the Something Greater RE-VIVE retreat this Saturday, April 14 at St. Ann's Church Washington, DC Register here and spread the word!

The most profound relationship Jesus of Nazareth ever enjoyed and struggled with was with His divine Father. It shaped and directed His entire identity, as we read in the gospels.

Yet, over and over again, Jesus knows Who He is precisely because He knows Whose He is; He belongs to the Father and not to the world or any other person so profoundly.

In this Easter Season each of us renews that same fundamental relationship with the Father through the Son and by power of the Holy Spirit in the regenerating waters of baptism ... perhaps the most significant day of our lives when we became adopted children of God.

Now we remember who we are by recalling Whose we are. There is tremendous freedom for the individual person when the question of identity is answered. With that re-born freedom as sons and daughters of the Father, we can rejoice in the new life God gives us though the resurrection of Jesus from the dead ...

and from the old identity of the world of sin which once confused our primary vocation

to know, to love, and to serve Him.

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’ The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God...”

Romans 8:14-16


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