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There is a difference between a “full life” and a “busy life”. A full life, believe it or not, leaves space for a “divine hollow spot”. But not so in a busy life-- one is just too busy.

Let me explain. A “full life” is such that while one may have many tasks to perform, these tasks are done in a peaceful way because one’s trust is in God to order one’s steps. One hopes in God and not in self. One holds the day with an open hand knowing that all will be well, even if all does not go according to plan. Why? Because permeating each task is a “divine hollow spot” where God’s Holy Spirit dwells in peace. And while there is much to be done, there is a sanctified sense of satisfaction-- even at the end of a very long day.

A “busy life”, on the other hand, is just that. The words frenetic, frazzled and overwhelmed come to mind. While there are the exact same number of tasks on the list as mentioned above, instead of operating out of a core of divine peace, one operates out of a heart full of anxiety and worry. Wringing of hands and furrowed brows are the hallmark of a busy life. Why? Because in order to get the tasks done, it is all up to “self”. There has been no “hollow spot” left for God. One is full of worldly worries that I call “clutter”.

I recently had opportunity to spend an evening with Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR. I had experienced a very “busy” day. I was like Martha, “anxious and worried about many things…” As I screeched into the parking lot after a day of multiple meetings, I realized I was about as full of clutter as I could possibly be. Embarrassingly, I realized my “clutter was showing” because I had recently been very short with my spouse.* As I walked across the parking lot I prayed…”Lord, empty me of me.”

Fr. Dave gave a beautiful talk, but even more importantly, he left room-- he created space for a large hollow spot to be made. He invited the Holy Spirit to come and blow out the layers of clutter in many souls, including my own. He walked the aisles with the Monstrance, letting the True Presence of Jesus pour onto each one there. He gave opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession to cleanse, heal and restore. The profound peace that came from that experience was just what I needed to turn my “busy life” back into a “full life”. Though no less tasks to perform--the deep, abiding sense of “Spiritual wellness” that came from this experience is hard to describe.

“Busy”? Need peace? Make a hollow spot. Stop and invite the Holy Spirit into your every moment. Try going to an Adoration Chapel. Need to declutter? Go to confession and let the love, grace and Presence of God restore your soul.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

Dear Lord,

Help! I need peace! I need You to declutter my soul. I need the grace to create a “hollow spot”, a divine emptiness that only You can provide. Here I am--take me and clean me up so that I may live a life that is glorifying to you in every way. Thank You for hearing this prayer, by Your grace help me to live a “full life” always leaving space for You.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

* And just FYI--once I got home I apologized and we kissed and made up. :)


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