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Picture this...a room as big as two football fields filled with hundreds and hundreds of six-foot round tables with eight chairs at each table. That’s a lot of folks--3,800 to be precise. I had never seen that many people sit down all at once to eat.

As I stared across the cavernous room wondering how much time, food and energy it took to feed this extremely large crowd, I heard the Lord whisper in my ear…

“This is nothin! I fed at least four times this many--TWICE! Out of a lunch box! LOL! And we had huge baskets full of leftovers! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” He laughed the kind of chuckle that can only come from God’s extreme delight at recalling a miracle!

“Woa!” That’s about all I could say. I sat in silence realizing the magnitude of exactly what He had done. The multiplication of loaves and fishes was truly IMPOSSIBLE!

Then, I felt it. That feeling that can only come from God--that epiphany moment.

“Woa!” I got it! He was calling me to do the same thing. It was He who told the disciples…”You feed them.”

He was, in His very funny, yet very clear way, calling me to “feed them”. He was calling me to feed the masses... to do what I would consider to be-- the IMPOSSIBLE.

“But how? I am only one.”

“With Me, all things are possible.”

“But I am not ____ enough.”


“But, but, but…”

“Just trust Me.”


So here we go. Want to join me in becoming a MISSIONARY DISCIPLE?

Want to do the IMPOSSIBLE? Want to feed a hungry--no-- starving world? He is the Bread of Life. He is ALL we need. We are experiencing a *NEW DAWNING in the Church. We need every Christian, everywhere to wake up and see this reality. Now is the time. Pray. Ask what you can do. All excuses will die in your throat when you consider the IMPOSSIBLE THINGS that GOD can do with so little…

“Not by might, and not by power, but by my spirit, says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Dear Lord,

Help! I don’t even know where to start. I feel so helpless. THANK GOODNESS You CAN and WILL do great things through me… Your little lunch box. Here I am Lord. Take me. Bless me. Break me. Use me. Maranatha.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

* Are you under 40 or have a young family and live in the DC Area? Want to experience something cool that is happening in the Church? Go to the WYD UNITE Festival July 22. More details here: #wydUNITE


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