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go! 11 & 12

Why do you go to Church? Why do you pray? Why do you believe in God?

Do you have a good answer?

I know that, at the end of my life, when I am staring all of eternity in the face, I will not be so concerned about what people thought of me as much as I am of what God thinks of me!

Just as it would be unlawful to withhold help from someone who is in peril of dying if I were able to lend assistance, so it is with spiritual things. Do you see those around you in real spiritual crises and feel the need to help?

I would say, as Catholics, we are in very little danger of being “too outgoing” in spreading our faith. If anything, we could possibly be held liable for “failure to render assistance.”

The best thing anyone could do today is learn to tell his or her own faith story. What I have found after 30 years of Bible teaching and sharing the love of God with people is this: No one can argue with MY personal story. That’s right! It is MY story! So how can anyone say, “Nope! That did NOT happen to you!?”

I suggest, even if it is for the first time, that you ponder the answers to these 3 questions:

1. What was my life like BEFORE I had a personal encounter with God?

2. What, when, where, and how did I actually get to know Him?

3. How has my life changed or been enriched because of this relationship?

Your story should not be more than three minutes long. All you are doing is lovingly and naturally sharing what God has done in your life and the difference He has made in it.

Write it down and practice telling it.

You will be surprised! If you are prepared, God will give you ample opportunities to share it. And the best part is this--If you truly tell it from your heart, being real and honest, undergirding it with sincere and generous actions, people will be appreciative of your sharing. Dan Burke says: "Love builds a bridge that truth can walk over."

Pope Francis suggests that we can easily and lovingly “propose the Gospel.” We don’t have to ”impose it.” There is no more compelling story than that of a personal transformation--a true unfolding of the good news in your own life, especially if it is backed up with loving actions. And remember-you are not alone! Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to empower us and gave us the Blessed Mother and all of the Angels and Saints to support us!

And if you have not had a personal encounter with God, pray and ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a new and wonderful way. Talk to your priest or email me and I will pray for you and help point you in the right direction for the journey.

Don't wait! Let’s now be inspired by the Via Lucis to GO and TELL! *


The Risen Lord Sends the Disciples into the World

All: We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

Reading: "'Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age'" (Matthew 28: 19-20).

Reflection: From the mountaintop, the Risen Lord gives the "Great Commission" to the disciples to reach out to the ends of the earth. We realize that we are the recipients of this faith-filled mission: our ancestors embraced the faith of the apostles, who were the original witnesses of the resurrection. The greatest response we can give to such a legacy is our dedication to a new evangelization of our contemporary culture. We must allow the Risen Lord to reinvigorate our whole way of living, helping us to re-evaluate every aspect of our lives with the values of the Kingdom of God.

Prayer: God of all creation, whose mighty power raised Jesus from the dead, be present to this community of disciples whom You have called to the hope of a glorious inheritance among the saints. Strengthen us in the power of the Spirit to go and make disciples of all nations, to obey everything that Jesus Christ has commanded us, and to know that He is with us always until the end of the age, interceding on our behalf, living and reigning with You in the power of the Holy Spirit, now and forevermore. Amen.

All: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. And we with Holy Church unite, As evermore is just and right, in glory to the King of light. Alleluia.


The Risen Lord Ascends into Heaven

All: We adore You, O Christ and we praise You! Because by the Wood of the Cross and the Light of the Resurrection, You have redeemed the world!

Reading: "So then the Lord Jesus, after He spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God.But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs" (Mark 16: 19-20).

Reflection: The Scriptures do not portray the Ascension as a day of sadness. While still looking up at the skies, the disciples were consoled by the continuing presence of the Lord. They return to the familiar surroundings of the Upper Room, with Mary, the mother of the Lord, to pray in anticipation of their mission. In this "original novena," we continue to implore the Risen Lord to be the center of our lives and to keep us focused as a jubilant pilgrim people.

Prayer: Eternal God, clothe us now with Your power. With the eyes of our hearts enlightened, may we come to understand the immeasurable greatness of Your power at work in us who believe. In that strength, may we boldly pronounce the Good News of our salvation to everyone. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

All: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Our humble thanks to God let's show, And fitting praise on Him bestow For Paschal blessings here below. Alleluia!

* This was taken from the chapter 6 talks of my new book: BORN TO SOAR, UNLEASHING GOD’S WORD IN YOUR LIFE. Want to read more? Got six weeks? Change your spiritual life. Order it here:

Use the code PLEXXIPUS and access the ONLINE course for FREE! A $30 value!

**The picture for this blog was taken at the site where it is believed Jesus gave us the "great commission" (Matt. 28:16-20) and ascended into heaven.

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