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Via Lucis

He is Risen! Alleluia!

At last! We can say it! ALLELUIA! Say it again! ALLELUIA! One more time--just because we can! ALLELUIA!

We have so much to be thankful for!

“O death, where is your sting?!”

We serve a Risen Savior! What does that mean?

It means that we, too, have the wonderful promise of the hope of rising with Him! We too can experience life eternal! Not just in the far-off future--but in the here and now! Each time we “die” in our own sin, and seek His mercy and grace in the sacrament of Reconciliation, He raises us up to new life in Himself! Death, physical or spiritual, can no longer keep us down. We can experience new life in Him--again and again and again!

Not only did He die to set us free from the grip of sin that holds us tight, but also in order to experience His resurrection power! Yes! That same power that raised Christ from the dead, that same power that burst the stone from the grave, that same power that turned Peter from denier of Christ into the bold proclaimer of the faith, lives inside each one of us! We experience it when we call upon the Holy Spirit, when we say, “Come Lord Jesus! Come! Fill me with Yourself!” We can, in the name of Jesus say, ”Right here, right now come and make a radical change in me!” And He does. Each day is Easter when we are walking with the Risen Lord! He feeds us with His Risen Self each time we take the Eucharist! ALLELUIA!

We lived the Passion for the 40 days of Lent in the Via Crucis (the Way of the Cross) --let's celebrate the Resurrection for the next 50 days in the Via Lucis (the Paschal Way of the Light) that parallels the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Join me these next few weeks as we now journey from the Resurrection to Pentecost! See you on Thursdays!

God bless you!



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