be not crushed

Are you feeling crushed under the weight of your cross? Like you don’t know if you can withstand the pressure of all that you have been asked to do? Have you stumbled? Fallen? Maybe more than once?
You are not alone. Jesus too, the very human Jesus, knows your story, feels your pain, relates to your stress, is heartbroken with you in your loneliness, rejoices with you in your joys and even blushes with you in your shame and anger.
God is mindful of all --and praises be to Him-- provides for our every need.
Even mighty Jesus needed a hand up. That is why God sent Simon of Cyrene to help lighten His load and carry His cross.
God knows that we need the BODY OF CHRIST to help us get through this life.
On Sunday we organized Light the City Georgetown (see the video here). It was such a beautiful picture of the hand of God working in and through each participant to become something greater-- greater as a unit than we could ever be independently. Each individual light came together at the end to reflect the picture of God’s perfect love displayed for us on His cross. Together we burn much more brightly than we ever could alone. See pictures here.
That said, what are you doing this fall to keep yourself from being crushed beneath the weight of your cross and to keep your light burning bright and strong? Are you in a Bible study or prayer group? Not only can others help you carry your cross and make your light burn much more brightly, but you can lend a hand in sharing their burden, and fanning their sparks into flame.
There are many ways you can get into a small group community. Here are some of my favorites! Check them out and see if perhaps God is not calling you to join one today!
And coming soon for Lent 2017 my newest book!
Whatever you choose to do this year, I pray you will not feel the need to go it alone! Be not crushed, but be greatly encouraged! We can learn from one another, help one another, encourage one another, laugh and cry with one another and best of all, pray for one another. For in one another we see God.
“As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12
Dear Lord,
You know I can feel overwhelmed by life and all I feel I must do. But You, Oh Lord, say, “Be not afraid! I go before you to deliver you!” And I have seen again and again You so often answer my prayer by sending me a friend to help! I pray that this year I will not try to go it alone, but be in community with other believers so that together we can make up One Body, YOUR BODY, in this world! And when we do come together, we will burn brighter and stronger for You than we ever could alone! Thank You good Lord for always leading us into the truth of You. May we never be afraid to trust in You and Your love that leads us into godly fellowship with one another and straight into Your beautiful Sacred Heart.
I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.