
Order, precision, predictability, power in miniature... Isn't it great when everything goes exactly as planned? No errors, no bugs? That happens with electronic circuitry but not so often in life. Life tends to be messy, full of short-circuits, power surges, and occasional black outs. We all experience "messy" but how does a Christian respond? Do we "rise above it"? Take control? Pick ourselves up by the boot-straps? No, no and no. Not, at least, until we first surrender!
Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in him and he will act. Psalm 37:5
Surrender? When my child has left the faith, do I surrender? When my husband and I have argued...again, surrender? When I've lost my job, or discovered I'm ill, or grieve the passing of a loved one, surrender? Surrendering makes a lot of sense, actually. We're not just handing off our sorrows/obstacles/psychological baggage to anyone. We're placing everything at the foot of the cross of Jesus, son of God Almighty. He will know exactly what to do.
Here's some of what Psalm 136 tells us about God:
God is good
Praise the Lord, for he is good;
God is sovereign
Praise the God of gods, the Lord of Lords
God is merciful
for his mercy endures forever
God is wonderful
Who alone has done great wonders
God is creator
Who skillfully made the heavens,
Who spread the earth upon the waters,
Who made the great lights,
The sun to rule the day,
The moon and stars to rule the night
He is mighty
Who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
And led Israel from their midst,
With mighty hand and outstretched arm
God feeds us with the Eucharist
And gives bread to all flesh
So the next time life gets messy, go ahead... wave the white flag! Raise your arms in the air! Surrendering is not weakness. It is recognizing our weakness before the unmatched power of God. With St. Paul we can say,
"I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Cor. 12:10
Dear Lord,
Thank you for allowing me so often to recognize my need for You--for your strength in my life, for Your mercy, for your forgiveness. When I fail to reflect your love to others, especially those closest to me, I know that my first step is not to try to remedy the situation! My first step is to surrender to Your grace. Then I'll know what to do. Only by Your power am I made whole. Thank you, Lord, for revealing your power and might to me and for loving me. Amen.