Papal Visit Countdown- 1 week to go!
“If you want to go fast, go it alone. If you want to go far, go together.” --an African proverb. How often I need to remind myself of this truth! I am a lone ranger at heart, but have found that “going it alone,” in the end, is not always the most fruitful or the most joyful way to do things. This was shown very clearly last weekend at Light the City-- Georgetown! Thirteen different Churches of all denominations came together in a show of solidarity of faith and in outreach to our community. What a beautiful display of love for God and neighbor. We went much farther than any one of us could have gone alone by spreading a sea of light and love that blanketed Georgetown as it embraced strangers and welcomed them as friends into the churches.
How did this happen? How did so many Churches cooperate in this one effort?
Each group of Church leaders decided that, not only would it be good for them personally to open their doors and roll out the red carpet for anyone passing by, but that they wanted to show the community at large a UNITED effort of love.
Do we, on a daily basis, ask ourselves the question, “What’s best for the ENTIRE family, group, community, world?” or are we more concerned about our own agenda?
Humility is required when working for the common good. It is all about putting others ahead of self.
In the last chapter of my book, Metamorphosis of a Soul, “Go Low”, I was taught this very real and life changing truth. My daughter and I traveled on a trip to the Holy Land together and it was by being in community with her and others that I was shown how important humility is.
Actually seeing where Jesus walked, lived, died--it was so humbling. He left His own splendor, glory and majesty to come down to this dusty earth to show us how to serve and love in a real way, even though it was often messy, smelly, and excruciating.
Hmmmm...that sounds alot like someone else I know who is almost here! Praise be to God! We have a ROCK STAR of a POPE...why? Because he humbly walks in the way of his Boss, our beautiful Savior.
If you have not signed up to take the pledge to WALK WITH FRANCIS, it is not too late! Do it today! Don’t just be a spectator! And don’t try to “go it alone!” Go Far! GO LOW! And be a part of this awesome historical group effort to serve others!
“You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Dear Lord,
As You know, it is so much easier to “go it alone” most of the time. Dealing with others is occasionally messy and sometimes painful. But I know that You are more interested in how I love and treat others than in the results of the job that I am doing. Paul reminds us that “without love we are just a clanging gong and crashing cymbal.” Please Lord, give us the love and grace we need to humbly work with others to serve You to Your great glory! And please bless and watch over the Holy Father as he makes his way to the U.S. May he continue to faithfully serve You and Your Holy Church until all come to know, love and worship You. Thank You for his splendid example of humility and love for all.
I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen