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He is coming! Yes! I mean him...the Big Guy! The Head Honcho! The Big Cheese!

Oh...did you think I meant the Pope? Yes, the Pope is coming too, September 22 to Washington D.C. and I am VERY EXCITED! So excited, in fact, that I am going to be doing a blog-by-blog countdown and releasing my book, METAMORPHOSIS OF A SOUL, the story of my faith walk from Protestantism to Catholicism, chapter-by-chapter here on this website in celebration of his arrival.

But I mean HIM!!! Jesus is coming back, and someday we will get to meet Him face to face. What a glorious day that will be! Are you ready? Have you got your spiritual bags packed? What will you say? What will you do?

How will you answer this?

“So…(fill in your name) how well did you live the life that I gave you? Did you do your very best to spend this life getting to know, love and serve Me?”

I had this ah ha moment a few years ago when I was told by a very dear friend that she had finally met someone who loved Jesus more than I did. At first, I was totally taken aback, as I really love Jesus, His Word and all things that have to do with Him. But in the meeting of this man (who happened to be a Catholic priest) I saw that she was right, and suddenly realized that I needed to do a bit more exploration of my faith.

Have you ever given your faith a “once over?” Have you truly stopped and taken the time to explore the why’s and how’s of what you believe? Or tried digging deeper into the faith tradition that you have to get the most from it?

Because of this encounter with the priest, it was made very clear that there was a great deal more that I needed to learn. There were things that God wanted to teach me and places He wanted me to go that I had never been willing to open my mind or heart to until then. I learned that He was wanting me to not be afraid but trust and follow Him-- no matter where He would lead me.

There are twelve weeks left until Pope Francis arrives. I pray that you will journey with me chapter-by-chapter each week as I introduce themes and questions that were pivotal in my embracing of the Catholic Church. My goal is not to “convert” anyone (only God can do that) but to open up avenues of understanding and to hopefully help you take a deeper look at your own faith, whatever it may be.

If you know people who may be curious, pondering a faith question, or even exploring their own faith further, I pray that you will share this blog that will be linked to the book, METAMORPHOSIS OF A SOUL with them, and that you will encourage and pray for them along the way. In celebration of the Papal visit, September 22 there will be a chance to buy a printed copy of the book if you so desire-- or feel free to read and just pass it along from this web site.

God is awesome! He deserves all that we can give to Him-- our love, trust and the best of our limited understanding.

God bless you and please keep all of this in your prayers. I believe we are on the verge of a great spiritual awakening/re-awakening, and with it we have an amazing opportunity to evangelize...not only others but also ourselves.

“As you go, make this proclamation:’The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’” Matthew 10:7

Dear Lord,

I’m so excited! Thank You that we can use this unique opportunity of the Papal visit in September to share the good news of YOU with others! Thank You for the life and preaching of Pope Francis. Please watch over him and may he be a great instrument of Your love to all. Thank You that one day we will have a chance to meet You face-to-face. Please give us the grace to live a life worthy of the sacrifice You made for us, the giving of Your very self so that we may live an abundant life here on earth and opportunity to be with You for all eternity.

Make us bold in the things of You. Give us courage to follow You, no matter where You may lead. All of this for Your great glory.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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