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a cornucopia of praise

I thank You God for the teeny tiny and the enormous!

I thank You God for abundance and also for lack, as abundance reminds me of your extreme generosity and what I do without makes me depend more fully on You.

I thank You God for joy and for sorrow, because my joy does not depend on my circumstances and the sorrow allows me to be intimately united to You in Your sufferings.

I thank You God for the sweet and the bitter, the balance You give: for without the one I would not appreciate the other.

I thank You God for family, friends, and even enemies. You can use them all to show me where there is work to be done in my soul.

I thank You God for heat and for cold, for without both there would be no changing of seasons, no joy in the snow ball or delight in the fire.

I thank You God for a sink full of dishes, for it speaks to me of community, fellowship and provision, and I can love You by serving others.

But mostly God I thank You for You. For through the lens of You, I can be thankful for everything, because You are the Sovereign God, Giver of all.

"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for all of you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Dear Lord,

Thank You, for all you have given to me. May I never take for granted each and every breath and that each and every day of life that is a gift from You. You are God and You are Good! Help me to be mindful of those who are in need, and may I be Your hands and feet upon this earth to them. Please give me the grace to not only pray without ceasing but also to stop, to pause and truly give You thanks and praise today...for all.

I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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