Papal Visit Countdown- 6 weeks to go!
Amazing! She landed right on my shoulder! And crazy! She looked so different on the outside than on the inside! I would never have guessed that this was the beautiful BLUE MORPHO if I had not seen it from another perspective!
Sometimes it is hard to tell what things are truly like if you only looking at them from one angle. You can miss the most beautiful truths if you don’t look below the surface.
This week I would like to encourage you to do two things:
1. Find out: Who is POPE FRANCIS?
Does he just talk the talk or does he walk the walk? Do you? Go to and take the pledge to WALK WITH FRANCIS! Don’t miss the opportunity to see the beauty of what he is about and be a part of what is happening. Don’t just look from the side lines. Get involved.
Pray regularly for the Holy Father and learn about his message on the joy of the Gospel, the mercy of God and the love of Christ.
Serve by reaching out and caring for those in need and supporting charitable efforts in our communities and beyond.
Act to promote human life and dignity, justice and peace, family life and religious freedom. Care for creation and the common good.
2. Find out: WHO YOU ARE!
Read this chapter of my book, The Rock, from Metamorphosis of a Soul by clicking HERE. I dare you to take a peek at your own interior identity after you read about how I took a long look at mine. You might just be surprised (and relieved) at what you find.
God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The LORD looks into the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7.
Dear Lord,
Thank You that You always look at the inside, not just at appearances. And thank you that we are able to find our true identity, not in what we do, or produce, or any other external thing, but in You alone! Please give me the grace to be able to see myself through Your eyes...Holy and Beloved. And then let that love spill forth as I make my way through this world, hand in hand with You. I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen